Each life is significant, created by God for a unique purpose with unique gifts to accomplish that which God Himself has both has made great plans for...to use in conjunction of other lives for the good of multitudes...
And when even one life is cut short of God's plans...all not just the one terminated through a conscious choice is affected by even one such poor choice or decision.
Let your voice be one who encourages lovingly those who many to most either forget about, become marginalized, or forgotten.
Let your voice be heard today by writing your CCongressional & Senate representatives.
You can right now follow this link: www.opencongress.org/ and find your own senators & representatives and write them a message that you are against all kinds of killing whether legal injection, execution, euthanasia, and abortion.
Take the time to voice what you believe in and what how you will vote in the next election if they do or do not do...what.
Most people think that far more people write their Senators & Representatives in Congress than the number who really do.
And though these forms sent out to multitudes to sign have some affect...
Personal letters from citizens on specific issues always have greatest influence.
So either follow these links or go straight to your State's website & do it now!
You can find them easily by just typing their names in the search box at: www.GoodSearch.org
And if you do not already have a Good Sense account, set up one right now and choose:
Carpenters Friend as your non-profit cause to support.
You will be an Esther or a Jacob too when you do these things you will make a difference for many...
Hope for those who were once hopeless one life at a time protected because you took the time to actively care...
God will repay you!
Amen Amen and Alleluia!
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