Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Even Some Catholics are Confused About Pro-Life / Pro-Choice ...Abortion.

I was wearing  a button pinned to my bright pink jacket that reads: PRAY FOR ABORTION TO END!"
 At a Graduation lunch in a New Orleans Catholic Parish the Sunday following Father's Day 2013...I was astounded the responses I received & conversation it spawned.

I expect this kind of confrontation if & wear it to the grocery store but not to Catholic Holy Mass & to a party of Catholic Families at a Catholic Church.

I was told that "Even if I personally would not abort my child, I don't have the right nor do you have right to suggest to others what they should do!"

Well is preaching & teaching the Holy Gospel suggesting to folks a better way to live???

And so this statement contradicts the entire life of a christian for we are called to always live by the Holt Scriptures that say:  "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!"

Let HIS life, HIS joy, HIS mercy which endures forever never cease from parting from our lips!

We are to be imitators of God who calls each by name and who speaks good things into being at all times....
We are to like God embracing all that befalls us with great FAITH...speaking hope to the hopeless and life into the dead!

I pray you see this contradiction that we all plainly see and hear all over where ever we go...

Maybe you never thought of in this perspective...now is the time...to choose on purpose which group you will be among...

You will be herded with the sheep into heaven or with the goats into the eternal flames.

The choice is yours for the silent ones who are not hot or called will be lost to the eternal fiery flames of HELL!


Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

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